

Taylor Swift revealed that her album Midnights is born out of using a creative prompt, “What keeps you up at midnight?” and tells the tale of her 13 sleepless nights.

I thought it would be fun to explore Midnights as a prompt too and I have come up with things Midnights remind me of.

Midnight Musings

This is what I do almost every night – lie in bed, trying to will myself to sleep, while analyzing my day and my life in my head and hoping to find a reason for my existence.

Midnight Conversations

Funnily enough I am great at giving advice during late nights. I am also my most honest self and I can stay up talking or texting.


Sleepovers technically begin at midnight and it can be really fun even if it is just hanging out watching a movie.

But when the cousin gang gets together all we do is talk about horror stories 👻 and that brings me to

Midnight Scares

I can take a good horror story at the time but then everyone else peacefully drift to sleep and I can’t fall asleep for days, imagining shadows coming to life in the room.

Midnight Snacks

Sometimes I can’t go to sleep because I’m suddenly hungry again after dinner and I swear snacks just taste so good at midnight 😋

Midnight Drive

Again a drive at midnight somehow just feels more exicting and fun than any road trip can! Also, I love the glow from the radium lights that light up the path all the way to home.

Midnight Sky

Have you noticed how beautiful a full moon looks at midnight 😍 ✨️ And if its a clear sky you can see the stars twinkling. Which reminds me of Dumbeldore’s midnight purple robes spangled with stars 🌟

Fairy Tales

Some midnights I am very hopeful too and I suddenly believe in magic and fairy tales and happy endings and imagine that there is a possibility that I will end up okay too.


The 3 C’s

The 3 C’s that I suck at!!

#1 Calculations

I never took a liking to mathematics and so I struggle to even calculate change at the grocery store.

And don’t even ask me about my investments and income tax. I still relie on my father for that.

#2 Confrontations

This is the thing with me, if I get upset or hurt by something someone said, I would rather talk about it with my therapist than with them.

#3 Change

To be honest, I am very much afraid of change, even though most of the times when my life has taken a detour, it has been to greener pastures, but I am always afraid to find out where it may lead.

General · Thoughts

The First Sentence in a new diary

For quite some time now, I have been thinking and re-thinking about whether I should start writing in a new diary or not.

Starting a new diary is a very symbolic process for me. To me, it is not like starting a new book because the old one is out of pages. To me, it is like giving myself a chance to start over again with life. Besides, I love that feel of pen on paper – that texture, that smoothness, that freshness that seems to come only from new paper.

But every time I open the first page and decide to write something, I feel intimidated. Like, the first sentence I put in here will decide the rest of the tone and the rest of the fate of my diary and also the rest of my mood.

So…. I am still buckling and unbuckling the pen, flipping and un flipping the cover.. unsure of what I want to say, of what I want to be.