Interests · Weekend Fun

Now Watching 🎬

The other day, a colleague remarked that I watch a lot of movies.

Yes, I do.

See, for most people, going to the movies is something they do for a fun day out or to pass their time. I make time to watch the movies I want to watch.

I watch movies for the same reason that I read books – to experience a different world. I wish more & more stories are told & I get lost in all these brilliantly made stories.

Whilst watching a movie, I’m sucked into the whirlpool of emotions.


It feels all real to me in those 2-3 hours. And even afters, I love discussing different angles & re-feel every emotion. Like, I stay in that mood till I watch something else.

I’m very “filmy” that way.


Apart from fluffy rom coms, there are movies made which genuinely make you think and question your beliefs. And if nothing else, at least you know how many sexy locations are out there to explore. Or you know, pick a tip or two from what the heroine is wearing 😜

When I go to a theater to watch a movie I love inhaling the popcorn smell.


Umm yumm.. that scent should be bottled and sold.

Also, the Inox theme song that plays before the start of the movie or even the tunes of the production house, that kind of ups my excitement to watch a movie.

Most of the times though, I always watch a movie at home. Contrary to popular assumption, I do not watch every movie in cinema halls.

Movies make me happy, okay!! And I want to do more of things that make me happy 🙃


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